Ireland's Marine Atlas
Access to Ireland’s marine data and related information
Digital Ocean Widgets
Video player - HTML video
digitalocean.create({ type: 'video-player', config: { sources: { mp4: '', ogg: '', webm: '' } } });
Video player - HEAnet
digitalocean.create({ type: 'video-player', config: { heanetId: '7d04a940e5c4a125642f245e1f7de465' } });
Video player - YouTube
digitalocean.create({ type: 'video-player', config: { youtubeId: 'vrJgHVxc1yE' } });
Video player- modal popup mode
digitalocean.create({ type: 'video-player', config: { heanetId: '7d04a940e5c4a125642f245e1f7de465', modal: true, thumbnail: '', linkText: 'View webcam feed' } });