Ireland's Marine Atlas
Access to Ireland’s marine data and related information
Digital Ocean Widgets
Heatmap chart
digitalocean.create({ type: 'heatmap-chart', config: { title: 'Sea Temperature vs Peak Period', xTitle: 'Peak Period', yTitle: 'Sea Temperature', options: { chart: { marginTop: 40, marginBottom: 80, plotBorderWidth: 1 }, legend: { align: 'right', layout: 'vertical', margin: 0, verticalAlign: 'top', y: 25, symbolHeight: 280 }, colorAxis: { min: 0, minColor: '#FFFFFF', maxColor: 'blue' }, xAxis: {}, yAxis: { reversed: true } }, datasets: [{ title: 'SmartBay Wave Buoy', url: '', props: ['time', 'SeaTemperature', 'PeakPeriod'] }] } });