Ireland's Marine Atlas
Access to Ireland’s marine data and related information
Digital Ocean Widgets
Column Dashboard
digitalocean.create({ type: 'column-dashboard', config: { widgets: [ { type: 'line-chart', config: { card: true, title: 'Sea Temperature vs Time', xTitle: 'Last 6 hours', yTitle: 'Temperature (C)', datasets: [{ title: 'Sea Temperature', url: '' }] } }, { type: 'scatter-chart', config: { title: 'Max Wave Height vs Peak Period', xTitle: 'Peak Period', yTitle: 'Max Wave Height', datasets: [{ title: 'SmartBay Wave Buoy', url: ',station_id,Hmax,PeakPeriod&time%3E=now-1day&station_id=%22SmartBay%20Wave%20Buoy%22&Hmax%3E=0', props: { x: 'PeakPeriod', y: 'Hmax' } }] } } ] } });