Ireland's Marine Atlas
Access to Ireland’s marine data and related information
Digital Ocean Widgets
Digital Ocean Home Page
digitalocean.create({ type: 'digital-ocean-map', config: { layerControlPosition: 'right', zoom: 6, latlng: [53.365930, -6.131099], layers: [ { defaultOn: true, name: 'Weather Buoys', url: '#{baseUrl}markers/weather-buoys.json', layerType: 3 }, { defaultOn: true, name: 'Wave Buoys', url: '#{baseUrl}markers/wave-buoys.json', layerType: 3 }, { defaultOn: true, name: 'Tide Gauges', url: '#{baseUrl}markers/tide-gauges.json', layerType: 3 }, { defaultOn: true, name: 'SmartBay Observatory', url: '#{baseUrl}markers/smartbay-observatory.json', layerType: 3 }, { name: 'Compass', url: '#{baseUrl}markers/compass.json', layerType: 3 }, { name: 'Photos & Videos', url: '#{baseUrl}markers/photos-and-videos-layer-markers.json', layerType: 3 }, { name: '3D Models', url: '#{baseUrl}markers/3d-model-markers.json', layerType: 3 }, { name: 'Bathymetry', url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png', attribution: '
', layerType: 4 }, { name: 'Backscatter', url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png', attribution: '
', layerType: 4 }, { name: 'Argo Floats', url: '', argoUrl: ',cycle_number,time,latitude,longitude&platform_number="#{platform_number}"&time>=now-4months&distinct()', layerType: 'ARGO' }, { name: 'Water Velocity', layerType: 'VELOCITY', url: '', dataset: 'IMI_CONN_2D', vectors: ['barotropic_sea_water_x_velocity', 'barotropic_sea_water_y_velocity'] } ] } });